Real-time individually monitored systems which are activated in coordination with Police and Fire Departments.

Enhanced ability to direct attendees to emergency exits which reduces confusion, injuries and risk to your company.


  • Attendees unfamiliar with venue and exit routes

  • Restricted visibility of non-illuminated EXIT signs and evacuation routes due to darkness and size of venues

  • Inability for management to communicate quickly and specifically with attendees

  • Route conflict due to first and second reactors, ADA and inhibited attendees


  • Real time communication from command post to attendees and employees

  • Rotating and flashing strobes are turned on if evacuation is deemed necessary

  • 500-foot visibility from strobes and down-lighting at the EXIT gates for safer and quicker evacuations

  • Pre-set with event risk management team along with local Fire Department. FES signs are deployed in evacuation routes throughout the venue, from stage areas to all EXITs created by Fire Department

  • FES Systems are installed, removed, and monitored by FES Corp.

  • FES Systems are not dependent on event electricity. If power goes down, evacuation signs will function

  • Move attendees and employees away from incident

—— Deployment Example ——

—— Active Shooter Demonstration ——

Exercise Demonstration of FES Minitrons and Mini LED Panels

Rose Bowl Active Shooter Simulation

This video shows Minitrons Evacuation Systems in use during a festival evacuation simulation in coordination with law enforcement.